Setting Departmental Goals for Digital Citizenship

As a technology coach, one of my responsibilities is to “Advocate for policies, procedures… to support implementation of the shared vision represented in…technology plans and guidelines,” according to the ISTE Coaching Standards, (ISTE, 2017).

I had an opportunity to contribute to the shared vision and future planning of my department during the second year of my masters studies. My department was undergoing a revision in departmental goals and program outcomes. Our director asked faculty to evaluate what was important for our students to learn and/or demonstrate prior to leaving the university.  Understanding that 21st century skills are an integral part of the future workforce, I suggested we included elements of digital citizenship.

This contribution was influenced by an informal assessment I had conducted of our department digital citizenship readiness where it was identified that digital communication was an area of improvement for our students.  Therefore, as part of new our digital citizenship goal, each program made a commitment to hold students accountable to digital etiquette.  Figure 1.1 highlights the outcome of that commitment.

Infographic on the departmental goals including digital citizenship
Figure 1.1 FCS Digital Citizenship Department Goal with Implementation Plan.

I worked with the instructor of the introductory FCS course to build the evidence of mastery for this departmental goal using posts from this learning portfolio and modules I have previously created in Canvas (learning management system). Implementation of these assignment are currently taking place. We will evaluate the assignments to compare outcomes to our benchmarks at the end of the quarter.


ISTE, 2017. ISTE standards for coaches. Available from: .
